Thursday, April 21, 2011

Athlete Spotlight: Ryan Hall

Ryan Hall, Americas best Marathon runner. Ryan Hall holds pr's of 59:43 for the half marathon (national record) and 2:04:58 for the Marathon. His new pr of 2:04:58 was run at the Boston Marathon not a week ago. Hall placed 4th in the race and would hold the national record if Boston's course was approved by the Usatf. He will not be able to have the national record due to the same controversy with Geoffrey Mutai and his world record time run on the fast course. Ryan recently has decided to try and coach himself, many doubted if it would help him, but it clearly proved productive after his last race. Ryan Hall deserves the national record and there is no doubt in my mind he will officially have it in due time.


  1. 59:43 for a half??

    Holy hell I would be thrilled if I got an hour and a half... what a beast

  2. This guy's record is epic as hell!

  3. Would be neat to see more females in the spotlight!
